How to Make Iced Coffee With a Nespresso Machine

The Perfect Iced Coffee For Your Nespresso Machine - The Basics
On this page you will learn how to master the art of iced coffee with a step by step guide on how to make a delicious iced coffee with a Nespresso machine.
In order to make a nice iced coffee with your Nespresso machine you will need: some compatible coffee pods of your choice, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg or chocolate shavings according to your taste as the main ingredients. You will also need an Aeroccino milk frother or your Nespresso machine's steam nozzle, or the Lattissima Plus machine. With a very low level of difficulty it takes only 5 minutes to brew an iced coffee, but before let’s briefly understand what is a Nespresso iced coffee.
We also want to introduce you to our variety of blends of Gourmesso capsules, because we are convinced that we can make you a happy customer by enjoying a blend of creamy milk foam with our coffee.
What Is A Nespresso Iced Coffee?
A Nespresso iced coffee is a cold beverage made from Nespresso Original or Nespresso Compatible coffee pods and other ingredients, whereby the preparation is based on a cold or hot brewed coffee (depending on your taste), using a Nespresso machine and pods that are compatible with Nespresso Original machines like Gourmesso, Glorybrew, Nite Edition, or Barista Moments for example. It's a much faster way of making a delicious iced coffee for you to enjoy.
How To Make An Iced Coffee With A Nespresso Machine?
Making an iced coffee with your Nespresso Machine is a simple process that can be done in six easy steps. Essentially, it involves choosing a Gourmesso coffee capsule, brewing your espresso, frothing the milk, combining the milk with your iced coffee and finally sprinkling it with cinnamon, nutmeg or chocolate shavings to finish according to your taste.
To explain you how to make a delicious iced coffee we are going to base our recipe on a simple one loved by many - The Milk and Spice Iced Coffee.
- Choose a Gourmesso coffee capsule (we recommend the Gourmesso Lungo Arabica Forte) to brew 3 oz (80 ml) of espresso
- 4-5 oz cold milk
- Ice
- Cinnamon, nutmeg, or chocolate shavings according to taste
You Will Need
- One tall glass (12 oz/350 ml)
- Aeroccino milk frother or your Nespresso machine's steam nozzle, or the Lattissima Plus machine
- First, choose a Gourmesso coffee capsule and insert into your Nespresso machine
- Press the espresso button on your Nespresso machines to pull your espresso or Lungo shot into a cup and add sugar if desired
- Pour the prepared espresso into a tall glass (12oz/350) filled with the crushed ice/ice cubes
- Prepare 4-5 oz of cold milk froth using the steam nozzle of your Nespresso machine or the Aeroccino milk frother (hold down for 5 seconds and wait until the light goes blue and is now chilling the milk)
- Once the blue light is gone, pour the chilled milk to the iced coffee and top it with a few spoonful's of froth
- Sprinkle with cinnamon, nutmeg or chocolate shavings to finish
- It’s ready! You can now enjoy your personalized iced coffee
What Nespresso Compatible Blend Is The Best For Making An Iced Coffee?
- The Lungo Arabica Forte is specifically designed to create the perfect iced coffee with your Nespresso machine. This dark roast blend with an intensity of 9 contains subtle notes of dark chocolate that perfectly meshes with the milk.
Which Other Nespresso Compatible Pod Blends Do We Recommend?
- The Decaf Peru Dolce presents subtle hints of chocolate that develops as it cools. It’s the perfect choice in case you want it in decaf, since it works well in milk-based drinks.
- The Late Nite Lemur is our strongest and darkest roast espresso, with an intensity of 12. It’s the perfect choice when you want a strong and concentrated coffee, and works well in milk-based drinks.
- We also suggest that you experiment with your machine and favorite capsules to determine which blends and proportions suit your tastes the best. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how to make an Iced Coffee Latte with your Nespresso Machine and have fun mastering the art of Iced Coffee! If you are interested in more recipes check out one of our other How-To's.